New Event Registration Process

STEP New York is proud to unveil our new website and corresponding event registration system. Now, STEP members can easily register for events directly on the STEP New York website using the Event Calendar. Simply look for the “register here” button on an event of interest.

Current STEP members who have not yet registered with the new website must first generate your username and password before you can register for events. All members received an automatic system email when the new website went live; that email contains instructions to help you to create log-in credentials. If you are a member but do not have that email, simply go to, enter your STEP international number as your username, and request a password reset.

For friends of STEP and other non-members, we welcome you to attend an upcoming STEP New York event! While our new online registration system is currently limited to STEP members, we have plans to expand the system to allow for non-members to register themselves automatically–check back soon for updates. For now, please email Jeryl Pine or Carly McKeeman, and we will be glad to assist.